
Friday, April 25, 2014

British Imperialism of Africa

1. Imperialism is an unfair territorial relationship between humans that mostly ends up as an empire.

2. In the 19th century South Africa the British established Imperialism. The British took over the diamond mines and built rail roads across the land to make transportation cheaper. By doing this they limited the native Africans rights and converted them into slaves. This later ended up in a revolt against Britain. The two major tribe rebellions were the zulu's and the Boer's who used Gorilla warfare tactics to seize British supplies. The zulu lost their capital in July 1879 against the British. The boer's were defeated later by the British using scorched earth tactics. This involved using prison camps and starving many of their people to death. Later the Boer's surrendered under the British rule.    
3. In the end Britain received many of the wealth and riches from Africa due to it's diamond mines. This increased Britain's industrial production and placed them ahead of the world.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Martin Luther

Martin Luther 
Martin Luther was a German monk who was born in November 10th 1546 at Eisleben. He died at age 62 on February 18th 1546 at his home town Eisleben. During his time he was a Catholic priest and a professor of theology. Martin Strongly agreed that people can be freed from gods punishment with monetary value. In 1517 he confronted indulgence sales's men with his 95 theses. In 1520 pope Leo demanded that he should take back his writings or he would be excommunicated by the pope. Martin Luther was excommunicated by the pope, however that did not stop him from converting the english language to German in the bible.        

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Renaissance era

                                                                     Da Vinci 
 Da Vinci is a famous Italian painter mostly know for his art name The Mona Lisa.

 Machiavelli was a, politician, and a historian in Florence durring the Renaissance.

Florence Is the capital of Italy. 

Titian is an Italian painter and he is the most important member of the 16th century Venetian school. 

Donatello was an early sculptor from Florence 
Dante was a major Italian poet who lived in Florence. 

Salvation is the state of being saved from sin.  

Martin Luther 
Martin was a German monk, and a priest who was also a professor in theology. 

Indulgence was a way that people could pay to be forgiven for their sins and still be able to go to heaven. 
John Calvin 
John Calvin was a french theologian and a pastor during the Reformation.  

The society of jesus is a male religious congregation in the Catholic church. The members are called Jesuits. 
King Henry VIII
King Henry VIII was the king of England all the way tell his death in 1547. Before his death he claimed Kingship of Ireland.   

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Aztec temples

What kind of temples were they?

They were religious temples that housed their gods. Their capital temple was called Templo Mayor. It was the main religious building in the capital city.

Who used them?

Priests and chiefs would use these temples.

When where they used?

The Aztec priests would use these temples for human sacrifices to please their gods so they would be strong against their neighboring foes.

Where were their locations

The temples such as Templo mayor were built in swampy lands. The temples would sink in the swamp so over the years Aztecs would need to repair them.

Why did they build them?

The temples were built mainly for religious purposes.

How did they get their idea to build these structures?

They got the idea from the temple of the sun and moon. This temple inspired them to build temples of their own.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Middle Ages

I am know that I can describe some of the groups that took place during the middle ages, but cannot compare them as I would like to. I am a 2 on this information.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


  1. Who was Spartacus?   He was a barbarian/ slave.
  2. What did he do?           He raised an army of slaves for a revolt.
  3. Why did he do it?          He fought for his freedom and his companions. 
  4. When did he do it          71 to 73 BC
  5. When did it happen?     120 miles away from rome. 
  6. How did he do it?           He had the strength and the brains to trick the roman army. 
  7. Was he a hero or a villain? He is kind of a shady hero. He killed a lot of people, but he only wanted freedom and to not fight to the death in some arena.