
Friday, April 25, 2014

British Imperialism of Africa

1. Imperialism is an unfair territorial relationship between humans that mostly ends up as an empire.

2. In the 19th century South Africa the British established Imperialism. The British took over the diamond mines and built rail roads across the land to make transportation cheaper. By doing this they limited the native Africans rights and converted them into slaves. This later ended up in a revolt against Britain. The two major tribe rebellions were the zulu's and the Boer's who used Gorilla warfare tactics to seize British supplies. The zulu lost their capital in July 1879 against the British. The boer's were defeated later by the British using scorched earth tactics. This involved using prison camps and starving many of their people to death. Later the Boer's surrendered under the British rule.    
3. In the end Britain received many of the wealth and riches from Africa due to it's diamond mines. This increased Britain's industrial production and placed them ahead of the world.

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