
Thursday, March 6, 2014

Aztec temples

What kind of temples were they?

They were religious temples that housed their gods. Their capital temple was called Templo Mayor. It was the main religious building in the capital city.

Who used them?

Priests and chiefs would use these temples.

When where they used?

The Aztec priests would use these temples for human sacrifices to please their gods so they would be strong against their neighboring foes.

Where were their locations

The temples such as Templo mayor were built in swampy lands. The temples would sink in the swamp so over the years Aztecs would need to repair them.

Why did they build them?

The temples were built mainly for religious purposes.

How did they get their idea to build these structures?

They got the idea from the temple of the sun and moon. This temple inspired them to build temples of their own.

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